Fixed Income
In Fixed Income Sales and Trading, we offer a comprehensive range of products and services for global institutional investors and issuers. This spans primary market distribution, market-making for G3 currencies, major APAC local currency bonds, and Australian debt.
Utilizing our market-leading global fixed income franchise, distribution network, and unique Japanese retail networks, we provide liquidity on APAC issuers’ bonds to diverse investor clients, including asset managers, banks, real money funds, hedge funds, and sovereign wealth funds, among others.
Our services encompass Fixed Income products handled by our Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sydney offices, collaborating with Tokyo, London, and New York to offer a wide range of multilateral products. We are expanding our product offerings across Credit, Emerging Markets, High Yield, Structured Products, and ABS/RMBS, catering to our clients’ evolving needs in a dynamic market landscape.
With a comprehensive global coverage model, we serve as a one-stop-shop for all Credit-related products and solutions.
Collaborating closely with SMBC group entities, we elevate investor Fixed Income business opportunities to the next level through our longstanding lending relationships.